“We always love our international students and treasure so many things they have taught us.”
—Sharon M. Hughes, Art Teacher, Wheeler High School, Mississippi
A special benefit enjoyed by the AIFS Foundation is its unique relationship with American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS), Inc. AIFS is one of the world's oldest and largest organizations providing cultural exchange and study abroad programs. More than one million people from 100 countries have participated in AIFS programs since its founding in 1964. The AIFS Foundation works closely with AIFS, which provides marketing, logistical and technical assistance for the AIFS Foundation’s Academic Year in America program.
Click below to request additional information about the American Institute For Foreign Study or any of its programs including AIFS Study Abroad, Camp America, Au Pair in America, Summer Institute for the Gifted and Cultural Insurance Services International.
The AIFS Foundation works in cooperation with many organizations to provide educational and cultural exchange opportunities for students to develop global skills and understanding. With the help of strategic partners and individuals, the AIFS Foundation provides grants and scholarships to students for participation in study abroad programs and provides grants to high schools and institutions to encourage international and educational travel.
Partner with the AIFS Foundation to hep meet the need for a globally competent workforce. Your donation can establish a new scholarship program and support initiatives to prepare young people to navigate different languages, countries and customs so they are ready to join the workforce with global skills in hand.
“We always love our international students and treasure so many things they have taught us.”
—Sharon M. Hughes, Art Teacher, Wheeler High School, Mississippi